SDF MahiGeer Goth

Design of Solar System

Sr. #ProductUnitsWattageTotal WattsDaily Usage ( Hrs)Total Watts -hrs
1DC fan 223679264752
2Energy Saver Lights 221226461584
Load = 6336WH
Current required for AplincesTotal watts/System voltage 88A
Average daily sunny hours in project area12hrs
Required Backup time1hrs
System Voltage 12V
Design of Battery
Backuptime (Hr)xLoad(watts)/System voltage 88Ah
add Eff. @ 90 %97.7777777778Ah
add 80 % DoD122.222222222Ah
Des Amp. HrsSay 122Ah
Proposed Battery Size 110Ah
No of Batteries 1.10909090909No
Say 1No
Design of Solar Panels
Current required for Applinces = total watts/system voltage88A
Current required for Battery = 60% DoD/average daily sunny hrs10.1851851852A
Total current required 98.1851851852A
Lets Take currents for applinces
Power for Solar Panel required = total current required x system voltage1056W
add 20 % losses ( lossess + conductor effeiciency) 1267.2W
Proposed Size of panel 250No
No of Panels5.0688No
Say 5No
Design of Charge Controller105.6A
Proposed Size of Charge controler 110A
No of Charge Controlers0.96No
say 1No
for safety of battery proposed 01 charge controlers of 12v/110 A.